Resources & Information

All you need to know about police gun auctions and more!

SSL Firearms wants to provide you with all the resources you need to make sure you are informed to the best of your ability about firearms auctions, firearms sales, Michigan police gun auctions, federal firearms laws and more. The safe and legal sale of firearms is of the utmost importance to us. We make sure that all firearms are legally bought and sold for the safety of our sellers and buyers. We are a Federal Firearms License dealer, meaning we have been approved by the government to legally sell guns and firearms to the general public. See below for a list of resources and information to read more about State & Federal laws, rules and regulations. Contact us for further questions and information concerning firearm and gun laws.

Michigan State Police Firearms Laws

To read more about Concealed Weapons Permits, firearm rules & regulations in the state of Michigan…click here

Federal Bureau of Alcohol tobacco & firearms

Federal Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco & Firearms

To read more about the federal laws, rules & regulations concerning Firearms…click here

NRA | National Rifle Association

To see State Specific Gun laws …click here

Wondering how to legally sell a gun? Sell with us in one of our online auctions! We regularly hold police gun auctions, as well as auctions for individuals looking to liquidate large collections, and even sales for individual guns. We make sure that our auction process is extremely safe for the buyer and the seller – just as all gun auction websites should. Our individual and government gun auctions are a great way to pick up firearms for your collection. If you have any questions about our online gun auctions or the safety precautions we take in our sales, please check out our FAQ page, and then contact us here!

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